Alas, I can not speak for others, but I have compiled ten reasons why I think I blog. I say think because the time I have spent thinking this through has led me to deeper thinking about blogging and my self and ministry. So, hopefully this will encourage you to blog too.
10. It helps to bring together rambling thoughts that have occurred through the week
9. Helpfulness, just wanting to have a place of help I can refer people to after we have had a conversation on a matter.
8. It forces the mind to think, to organize, and expound.
7. A means of displaying pictures.
6. It is my one stop check for other blogs that I read, Blubrs listed on the right.
5. By blogging I can become a better communicator.
4. Pride, I admit there is vanity in it.
3. Entertainment.
2. Writing is exercise for the soul, it is a walk through the lands of the heart.
1. Soli Deo Gloria.
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